BSN - Creatine

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There is no way around creatine if you’re looking to maximise your muscle pumps and endurance! BSN Creatine DNA is packed with this natural supplement to boost your athletic performance. It works by increasing your muscles’ phosphocreatine stores, which aids in the formation of the key molecule (ATP) your cells use for energy and other general functions. Taking BSN Creatine DNA improves your high-intensity exercise performance by providing additional ATP energy.

  • Supports recovery & performance.

  • Boosts muscle growth & strength.

  • 100% micronized creatine monohydrate.

  • 5g creatine monohydrate per serving.

  • No unwanted fillers or byproducts.

If you’re following a healthy, balanced diet and appropriate exercise, BSN Creatine DNA can dramatically improve your sports performance and help you become more muscular. When including this product in your workout regime, you’ll most likely experience benefits such as improved levels of endurance, enhanced levels of strength, improved rates of lean muscle mass gains, improved muscle recovery post-workout as well as better focus and concentration during workout sets. Furthermore, BSN Creatine DNA may aid brain function by increasing mitochondrial function and dopamine levels. All in all one can say that BSN Creatine DNA is a great supplement for those who want to boost their performance and health to the next level!

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